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Wakraya Elber

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Every 2.99 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 2
  • Subs 904
  • Views 102.2k



Wakraya is a transgender female Virtual Youtuber who primarily streams on Youtube. She plays a variety of games, and while she doesn't favor any particular genre over others, she does enjoy action games, platformers, and stubbornly throws herself at impossible challenges.

Her conversation topics often veer into the mature, and curses often.

Lore Edit

A retired Mage and current Librarian, member of a Guild from the fantastic Lands of Arathia. She has a contentious relationship with her Boss, and a lot of free time, which led her to discovering about Earth Internet, and try reaching out to new people and experiencing new things.

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This VTuber has indicated that their content is intended for mature audiences.
Mar 1
Feb 27
Feb 25
Feb 21
Feb 15
Feb 14
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Jan 30
Jan 23
Jan 23
Jan 18
Jan 3
Jan 3
Dec 28, 2024
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