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Ushimei Momoka

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Every 1.88 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 1
  • Subs 6.4k
  • Views 88.7k



Ushimei Momoka is a magical cow girl VTuber who was born on June 6th. Momoka always claims to be somewhere in her 20s but is secret about it just like she is secret about a lot of things. The one thing Momoka is always truthful about is that she loves to make people smile!

Momoka stands at 178 CM and she claims to speak both English and Cow.

Momoka's Live2D was created by @izumihato

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Every magical girl has a secret identity. Momoka's secret identity is revealed to be just a regular woman who works in a bakery. One day this woman stumbles upon a strange cow who immediately forced her to make a contract and changed her into a beautiful magical girl! A strange magical girl has cow ears and a cow tail that just can't stop wagging!

Momoka explains to the woman that with the new found powers she has received that the next step should be is to find confidence. What's a great way to find confidence? VTubing of course! So with a new goal and a new name to go by, Momoka enters the world of VTubers.

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