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Tsuki Hime {Awoken Artist}

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August 20 2022
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Release Frequency
Every 2.78 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 3
  • Subs 1.4k
  • Views 50.9k



Hello my name is Tsuki, I am a Deity/Goddess in the world I am from. My duty was to watch over the worlds and protect the harmony that comes within. Its not an easy job for me to do, and it wasn't easy with my parents with their duties, but I was given this job to hopefully understand the worlds around me. They say Gods and Goddess's, even those with immortality life spans.. tend to forget the small things, and the fact not everyone lives forever and the strength of harmony and the love ones , friends around them is what drives most to do good deeds.. I also have to be weary of those who do the opposite of good, one who feeds the darkness with nothing but pure malice and intent. I am young, I don't feel I am ready for this but they say that I am.. and I end up trapped in this world.. but still connected to the other worlds, and my own. I discovered the fun things everyone here seems to do.. anime? cute plushies? beautiful colorful items? and Art? I can be.. myself more here? sign me up really! I'm sure, I'll be able to get back home soon while I'm doing this and still do fun stuff like this still! its- not like anything bad will happen...right?

{°✧About the Artist behind the Vtuber/Character✧°}

Hello my name is Emmaline! You all can call me Emmy, I am a digital artist who loves to draw constantly, especially design as well. I have my own web comics in the works so expect updates and streams related to them in the future. I also enjoy doing film projects and play Video games. Any questions you guys have for me OR to Tsuki alone, lemme know on my social platforms!

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-Lore is currently in the works as well as Tsuki's future debut for her live 2d model-

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