A girl with a knack for her Four Ts: Technology, Tactics, Timing, and Tscavenging. She is the last human on her dimension's Earth, and broadcasts from a TV studio that she converted into her home. Her favorite games are JRPGs (tactical ones like Fire Emblem, as well as traditional ones like SMT or FF), rhythm games (even arcade ones), and VR games and experiences. She dreams of one day becoming an idol and performing on stage -- so she also practices singing on stream every now and then.
In the early 2010s, WORLD-001 (her world as is known to her) was a technological semi-paradise. Synth robots with many purposes were in use by governments, corporations, and elite people worldwide. The most popular method of high-end tourism was the "conduit," a portal that could transport a user anywhere in time, space, or even other dimensions. However, an incident of unknown cause (though conduits are suspected) caused a calamity: suddenly, all of humanity vanished in a field of encroaching distortion, also causing the Earth to temporally freeze. When it reached the human now known as tsubasa83, however, it didn't consume her. Instead, it had frozen her, and 2400 years later, a power awakened in her that let her "unfreeze" her world, and gave her a strange immortality. Unfortunately, with the power came a strange loss of memory -- she would end up knowing little of the world that had come to pass, even losing memory of her own name. As she wandered around her home area for years, unfreezing where she went, her own identity became stronger, and she would pick up her new name, tsubasa83, from a strange patch of cloth. One day, on April 10, 4421, she found a TV station that, for some reason, had working power and a computer with broadcasting software. Turning it on, she was greeted with a completely surprising experience -- an active network of many, many people, completely unlike her existence that was devoid of others -- and eventually decided to settle in that TV station for a while, learning more about people on this "other side of the screen."