Protogen (Tags)



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  • Mature
MissBashfulFace is an ever changing void but tends to take the form of a fluffy existential dread machine. She streams fulltime from the outer ridges of the "Void". She plays a large variety of games and occasionally builds model kits. She tries her best to keep a chill/fun atmosphere. Her zodiac sign is Capricorn.
Videos 1010Frequency 0.48Watchlists 4Subs 3.7kViews 109.1k
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  • LGBTQ+
ToriFloop is a Twitch Affiliate that was streaming before "debuting". On Jan 1st of 2021, they officially revealed a Protogen with sherbert rainbow ears and tail. Tori streams Tuesdays to Sundays at 8pm EST on Twitch. Tori's pronouns are They/them or he/him, they stand at about 5ft tall, and their birthday is Dec 5, making…
Videos 348Frequency 1.3Watchlists 3Subs 2.2kViews 18.8k
Sera Proto
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  • LGBTQ+
Sera Proto is a Protogen who stands at 5'11" or 181cm. Weight is unknown and age is in her words "30 years since activation". She has all the standard traits of her species with a visor functioning as a face, armor, and augments. Sera unlike most of her species is a little more on the…
Videos 83Frequency 3.33Watchlists 2Subs 802Views 8.5k
WhoovesPlay (Inari Whooves)
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  • Anime
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  • Gaming
Inari Whooves is a Vtuber/Vstreamer who likes to talk a lot, play different games and draw, he is usually very calm in his streams, which many of his community usually relax while talking about different things. Spanish Translate: Inari Whooves es un Vtuber/Vstreamer que le gusta mucho platicar, jugar diferentes juegos y dibujar, usualmente suele…
Videos 17Frequency 10.81Watchlists 1Subs 678Views 8.4k
  • EN
  • Art
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  • Gaming
SUDO The Protogen is a furry content creator from South Africa. Loves to make VR related content on both YouTube and Twitch.
Videos 28Frequency 26.96Watchlists 1Subs 33.7kViews 754.7k
  • EN
  • Art
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  • LGBTQ+
MelancholyAK is a furry Twitch streamer/Youtuber that focuses mostly on retro content and Path of Exile. He's a robot of his own design, though he won't be bothered if you call him a protogen or synth, because he thinks those are cute too! He also occasionally does art and has a small but loyal fanbase.
Videos 28Frequency 20.36Subs 259Views 7.4k
  • EN
  • Gaming
Hyper is a male American VTuber who is autistic and a furry, with a protogen fursona. He is, in his own words, "rather unprofessional, but [he likes] it that way". He often streams Minecraft, occasionally streams Celeste, Rain World, Splatoon, VRChat, TETR.IO, and The Binding Of Isaac: Repentance, and rarely streams Friday Night Funkin' and…
Videos 152Frequency 3.51Subs 699Views 183.4k
  • EN
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  • ASMR
  • Chatting
  • Gaming
  • LGBTQ+
  • Music
  • Voice Acting
I'm Charon Faustinus, You can call me just "Charon" I do stuffs like playing video games, but I'm pretty bad at video gamers. I'm good at singing. Most of the time I play indie games and retro games. The only modern game I've played regularly is Destiny 2, War thunder and Warframe. I hope you…
Videos 64Frequency 12.55Subs 1.3kViews 36.4k
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