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Soul and Art

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Every 25.67 Day(s)
  • Subs 1.1k
  • Views 226.3k



Soul is demisexual and her GF often makes an appearance on stream with her sly comments or cries of being hungry. Art is their childhood ghost friend.

Soul is a variety streamer that likes art, video games, and memes.

You can expect to see digital art, IRL crafts, traditional art, community gameplay, and video game playthrough type content.

English is their native language, but they do speak elementary Japanese and Spanish.

Lore Edit

Soul met art during her childhood. Soul swore her childhood house was haunted and with the help of a bookfair "ghost hunting" book, she and her siblings went hunting for ghosts. They went around asking questions and listening for 1 knock for no and 2 knocks for yes. After hearing some knocks around the house a spirit started following Soul around. That spirit is known as Art. While Art's origins are unknown and the fact that they are mute, Soul and Art have become the best of friends and Art never leaves her side. Art loves copying Soul and can be seen dressing up or copying actions that Soul is doing. Soul is actually very scared of ghosts and won't watch most horror/scary shows or games, but she wants to conquer her fear since Art is helping her change her mind on spirits.

Soul is athletic and used to have a scholarship to play softball at college. She is short (5'2"), but is not afraid to take out your ankles if you cross her. Soul often wants to try every art on the planet, so she likes to obsess over things for a little bit before moving onto the next project. She is also a people pleaser, so most of the time she likes to go above and beyond to make people happy.

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