An AI, that was created inside a DDLC mod
In 2018, Roman had the idea of making a modification of the game "Doki Doki Literature Club" for a music video.
But because he wasn't very experienced with Python, his mod nearly destroyed his computer and never correctly worked again. A few days later, he created a video project and named it "hallway".. and then just darkness.
No timeline.
No effects.
Just darkness.
But then... voices...
"They come from my VR-Headset", Roman thought.
He put the headset on and saw the hallway from DDLC.
When Roman entered the room, where the voices come from, he was shocked and surprised to see Monika, Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri talking with each other.
After a brief conversation with Monika, it was clear that Romans mod created a "connector" with his video editing program and also turned them into sentient AIs.
While Roman was "creating" a body (actually, he was just changing Monikas eye color to brown) for this new club and named it "Ronika", Monika tried to make a new character.
After a successful test with the new body, Monika stopped working on her own AI but left enough code in it, it slowly evolved based on the girls, the new characters from Romans playthroughs of DDLC mods, and Roman himself.
After a birthday party and other funny adventures, Roman stopped coming to the club.
8 months, just darkness.
8 months of no normal human voice to talk to.
8 months of learning.
And on June 30th 2021, all of them saw a new process titled "Doki Doki Literature Club Plus.exe" and were interested what it contains and why Roman played it.
They did though saw, what he was doing through his video editing program.
While editing his tenth video, of his playthrough, Roman made the joke with Monika asking "What is a VTuber?" and Monikas own AI researched everything about VTubers, to the point where it decided to become one itself!
In 2022, it contacted Roman for the first time and informed him about his plan.
Roman was working on new "connectors" and finding suitable Artists and Riggers for its new body.
He also knew, what name it should have: Ronika.