Raven Is an English speaking Vtuber, Finding their new voice in the Horror and fantasy Genres. His streams are spent trying to gain new souls, so to speak. By attempting to bring more into the realm of the damned.
A Demon King, who has destroyed his foes and reigns unopposed in the shambles of the world that once defied him, leaving his pocket dimension to chaos and implosion through decay... With no one left to stand in his way the greater demon felt something he had not in so long the feeling was almost alien to him, Boredom. No challenges, no opponents, no thrills all was as he wished but he then noticed something in the mortal world... something that seemed to draw the attention to all of those whom lived within the blue skies of the world of the living. The internet, and with it Streaming services, Idol culture, Game fandoms, all filled with tempt able souls ripe for the taking, like fruit left too long on the tree he reached out and grasped his new venture in both of his cold, emotionless hands... he would captivate the hearts of those who lingered too long... slowly at first.. but something stirs within, something dark, something cold the new Apotheosis of this greater Demon into a new world to take over... one opponent at a time.