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Prince Aerin

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Every 2.48 Day(s)
  • Subs 396
  • Views 724



Aerin (He/They) is a transmasculine vtuber who primarily streams on twitch. His content includes Live2D rigging streams, Gaming, Handcam streams, and Collabs with fellow vtubers in his community. They started streaming in August of 2022 as a pngtuber, moving to a 3d vroid model a few months later. He now primarily uses a Live2D model.

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Aerin is a star given life by Chaos, god of creation, then passed over to Order, god of destruction, to be raised. Aerin was being raised to take over both of their parent's jobs. Not wanting the responsibility Aerin found himself on earth, runing from Order trying to bring him home.


Background Aerin started streaming under a different name on and off since 2015. In 2018 he played around with a free facerig vtuber model. after a year long hiatus, he switched to a PNG of the Prince Aerin design in 2022 and did a few test streams, just before making the PrinceAerin channel.

2022 On August 22nd, Aerin created his new channel and streamed for the first time under this name without a debut on August 23rd. Aerin debuted his 3d VRoid model on September 10th, on October 8th he debuted a "corrupted" recolor of the model. Between November and December, he started learning how to rig in Live2d, doing his first rigging stream on December 3rd.

On December 10th he had his first birthday stream where he played through Sonic Frontiers for the first time.

On December 24th, Aerin's TTS pet, Starry, was introduced.

2023 January 20th was the start of Aerin's first Donoathon to gather funds to help fix his car. It ended on the 22nd with very little money raised.

In April, Aerin started doing "work streams" where he streamed from his place of work, usually with Placid Plastic Duck Simulator running in the background. During this Point of the year he also started doing Portal 2 speedruns. April 29th Aerin joined the Sleepycraft minecraft server where he made many friends and acquaintances what he will continue to collaborate with outside of the server. May 7th marks the Big Dig stream on sleepycraft where friends DangerousSaftey, Monkrilla, and Kaserino joined Aerin for 20+ hours.

On May 12th he held his first Subathon as the car he was trying to get fixed finally met it's demise.

2024 In March Aerin held his first charity event, modeled after the official Charity Raid Train events. His version of the event included 13+ streamers over 3 days to raise money for a cat shelter that was local to him. They raise a total of $350 by the end!

On June 30th he streamed as part of the Official 6th biannual Charity Raid Train, benefiting the Trevor Project. He raised about $105, helping CRT reach their $10k goal!

Aerin debuted his 2.0 design on August 24th with a 12 hour stream featuring multiple guests throughout. This event also celebrated the opening of his merch shop Vspace Boutique, a vtuber merch store for indies and artists.

On September 7th Aerin joined Ratbabbey's Raid Train and started playing YIIK.

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