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2020 (???)
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ONEET is a soft spoken ASMRtist and addicted g̶a̶m̶b̶l̶e̶r̶ gamer. She can't control her awkward tendency to be extremely blunt. She is too lazy to be pro at games but still tryhards and rages. She is lovey dovey 99.9% of the time. (you don't wanna know the .1%) She's bilingual, speaks in English and Português. Her birthday is March 14. Her Zodiac sign is Pisces. Her height is around 6,7. *meters (factual) (rounded to 22 feet)

Lore Edit

Dunizi pronounced (done-EZ) is a half oni (hanyō) part eldritch horror ex-priestess (non-religious) (non-cult) whose other half is human. She comes from an ancient clan that exiled her as a child for not being a pure-blood oni. Despite this she doesn't hold any grudges as she only longs for someone to talk to. It was considered her sole destiny to guard a 4th Dimensional (time) Gate (portal) that both clans were forbidden to enter.

After mindlessly wandering her deserted desert homeland of infinite sand dunes for eons she finally (clumsily) stumbled upon the sands of the Time Gate shrine. The guardian deity of the shrine eagerly in search of a compatible host partially inhabited her body. It now lazily and occasionally accompanies her consciousness as a sadistic alter ego. Duni had to learn to dissociate from her inner thoughts in order to preserve her sanity. Her mental fortitude (and delusional optimism) is so strong that the psychopathic deity feels like she will go insane instead from being stuck with her.

Ever since this fateful encounter her left eye gained the ability to control the 4th dimensional space. She uses her newfound abilities to accelerate time out of impatience. Spamming these abilities however has caused her to spawn clones that sporadically appear in random dimensions. Unbeknownst to her that these clones become bounded to human closets. After exploring every dimension she became insane from boredom. Her pitiful soul is perpetually trapped to the mundane existence of habitual labor. All she knows is to guard the shrine that currently resides in her body.

In her spare time she infects unconscious humans with 'insônya' magic thus creating more conscious "friends" to talk to during her lonely immortal life. She may of accidentally killed them, (she cannot fathom the concept of mortality). Duni went rogue after thousands of years praying to the Gods for mercy, she considers herself to be of agnostic faith now. What was once a happy-go-lucky girl is now an empty (extremely visually pleasing) shell with depression and sprinkled in hallucinatory delusions. The guardian deity was the one that purposely isolated the lonely Oni in a hellish time loop so that she could find her destiny and of course, take her body, mind and soul for herself. Although she underestimated Duni... she managed to get lost for eons.

Random Trivia:

She reached the great height of a 22 ft (manly) 'mini' giantess in her original realm. Stumbling into the Time Gate caused her body to become that of a 169 cm girl. She tends to be a crybaby that gets insecure about her age and height due to a youngest child inferiority complex. She's curiously fond of smaller creatures but they're scared of her hyperactive manner in approaching. She is addicted to the desserts of this current mortal dimension. She is very dense and has a god complex. She has a lion's tail. She's known as an annoyingly useless NEET amongst unfortunate "peasant" mortals that she haunts. Originally she was a priestess that was supposed to use her magic to soothe mortals on the battlefield but her 'half blood' magic was too weak, (she got lost). She's a "sadodere" (a lovey dovey sadist) The symbol on her scarf represents Aries ♈️ the Ram. Her facial markings symbolize the partial possession of the deity. The left side of her face represents mania; pride and wrath, the right represents depression; sloth and envy.

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