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TBD but 2023
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Every 2.39 Day(s)
  • Subs 926
  • Views 809



Kars Levine is a pngtuber who is a variety streamer but mainly plays Cardfight Vanguard Dear Days, Pathfinder 2 and League of Legends. He goes by he/they pronouns and describes himself as a sleepy sussy selkie femboy. He streams every day during Australian evenings and generally curses and makes sussy jokes.

Lore Edit

A leopard seal selkie prince tired of the masculine role he’s forced to play escapes the pressure from his family by swimming from Antartica to Australia. He nearly drowned but was rescued by a witch called CherriLu. The witch took care of him and introduced him to the wonders of streaming. Eventually CherriLu died, and as a way to cope with his grief, Kars took over their legacy and simply changed the name to NotCherriLu. He wanted to make sure that no one would forget their name. He also thought the username change was amusing.

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