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Naexi Glaurwyrm

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Every 2.42 Day(s)
  • Subs 6.6k
  • Views 182k



Naexi Glaurwyrm is an English speaking VTuber who started her channel with the intention of creating original YouTube videos and content based around anime, manga, and kpop. They centered around character analysis, theories, and music video reactions. Around September 2021, her original videos took a backseat and she decided to start streaming as well. She mostly streams RPGs, puzzle games, various Nintendo Switch titles, and occasionally gacha.

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Naexi Glaurwyrm is a bionic dragon, who was brutally injured after she was involved in an accident protecting a dear friend. She now has a bionic leg and tail to replace the ones she lost. She is still getting used to her new limbs, and as such is very accident prone.

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