MasoTato is a German VStreamer who primarily streams in English. Tato is a feminine presenting Trans man and his pronouns are He/HIm. He tends to play RPGs and other games that are to his liking. His streams are usually on a rather unregular schedule but will sometimes announce a schedule on his twitter ahead of time.
MasoTato is a small usually potato shaped creature that came to earth through a portal hundred of years ago. After living a sometimes exciting and sometimes boring life in many countrys such as posing as a yokai in japan to get free food, he has now settled in germany to take on the role of a streamer. His species can be described as a "fruit" since they do grow on a tree they call the "world tree" or the "mother tree". All TatoMallow (The name of his species) have a flavor/smell to them. Maso's in this case is chocolate-mint. His biologie is nothing of the ordinary either. He can change his size at will, eat any kind of object no matter the edibility or size (think of kirby) and has a pair of wings he can show and hide on will. He can also stick and walk on any surface even on walls & ceilings. Another unique ability is if Tato opens his eyes he will transform into a humanoid version of himself. If this occurs his usually "gremlin" like demeaner can change into a more rude and sadistic one at times. Transforming back is a bit hard for him since he only recently gained this ability so it mainly happens on accident or when he falls asleep.