MaiSkye is a Vstreamer primarily on twitch. She streams all sorts of variety titles including VR titles. While she states that she sways away from profanity and anything that may be considered not suitable for work, She can be seen creating these cases voluntary or not. Her models are seen to change hair colours and styles but usually has deep red hair and blue eyes. Mai has asked to be referred to with She / Her pronouns. She can usually be seen chilling in the virtual world of VRChat.
As a child Mai was told she could be anything, She wanted to be virtual. No life outside of her virtual one. At age 19 Mai was testing a project she was creating for her university portfolio surrounding Virtual Reality and Direct Neural Interfaces. The test was a failure to the outside world but to Mai this was what she wanted all along. She remained in cyberspace for a while just drifting. She has said that she does not have any recollection of this time. She woke up in a stable part of the cyberspace in 2021 where she soon made haste to connect online to the outside world.Their is positivity and creativity in Mai to this day but she seems to have very rapid mood swings since waking in cyberspace. The current cause of this is unknown.