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Lilith Thelema

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  • Views 54k



Lilith Thelema is a zombie Vtuber from Australia. She specializes in fantasy RPGs and boomer shooters. She streams a variety of games, but her most notable ongoing playthroughs are of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and the Quake series. She was a founding member of the group Eto Ano as one of their Graces. She later joined the small agency VirtuoloTube, but due to poor management from the CEO, she left the agency along with the rest of the original talent and some upcoming talent. She was picked up by Infinite Live as part of their Sanctuary program.

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Lilith Thelema comes from a long line of magickians who eventually saw themselves fit to change their name to that of a recent system of magick in order to promote it. Lilith always had a keen interest in magick but never actually practiced it that much. One day, when she was trying to raise a dead body as a zombie, the spell backfired and killed her. Thankfully, Lilian Goetia, a scarecrow Lilith had brought to life with a demonic spirit, was nearby and successfully cast the spell on Lilith. Now Lilith Thelema is the very zombie she tried to create.

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