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Snarky space goddess who does art, gaming, and karaoke!

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Only child of the cat gods of the sun and moon, Nova was created and put on a planet with cat-like beings like her. (Think the Cat Returns). Her father being the sun, she grew up on his planet where it was sun all the time, never night. After some time, she began to miss her mother and missed the beauty of night and space. So, Nova created night, painting her new canvas with stars and even little planets and all the good stuff space holds. She didn't know that it would make the civilians on the planet sleepy though, which sleep did not exist before this point.

As the sun, Nova's father was praised for all things, but when night came, instead of praising the sun, they would sleep. The sun god, realized what was happening and punished Nova. Sending her to another planet with beings he favored. Humans. Sending her to Earth he stripped her of her cat form, gave her a humanoid form with her two ears and tails, and abandoned her to be with the beings she had grown envious of. And now she streams and plays games with her viewers.

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