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LadyMismar is a celestial grim reaper Vtuber, who streams on Twitch, Kick and Fansly. Plays various genres of games, builds Vroids for fun and commission, and reads to her viewers (usually in a whisper).

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"I am not one to be crossed with. I collect the souls of some of the most heinous of people, and lead them to be tortured for all eternity. I am a grim reaper, in the service of the devil himself. But let’s start from the beginning.

I lived a life of devout faith. I swore myself to the church, and had aspirations that revolved around that very faith. I was taken in by a countess by the name of Elizabeth Bathory to receive her higher education she offered to the nobility. But she wasted no time in her cruelty. Unknown to me, but whispered about amongst the commoners, Elizabeth Bathory had been bathing in the blood of young maidens, believing it to be keeping her skin youthful. I was tortured. Bound. My blood was drained slowly over time. The days became a blur. I know not how much time passed while I was kept in the dungeons. My life eventually left me, and I awoke in the arms of Deth.

I now reap the souls of the most wicked, dragging them away as they kick and scream. I exact rightful punishment upon them, using sharp shiny nails. It is only fitting, given my end. Those that live sinful lives should be punished, after all.

I am Lady Mismar, consort of The Deth of Gods. Wielder of the Nail Scythe. I am The Devils Nail."

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