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Khaifer is a VTuber who makes content in English/Filipino.

Researcher by day. Reaper by Night. Plays games on his off time together with his research associate Kuma the Hamster.

Loves to play games on stream (Roguelikes, RPGs, Adventure and Visual Novels). Monthly Khairaoke sessions.

Lore Edit

Khaifer stared for too long into the Void, researching its many intricacies day in and day out. One day, the Void did more than just stare back. They were already tired of being unceremoniously tapped for power by mages and psychics for millennia. Then They became a witness to how the one scientist who had the most accurate information about him had his findings cast aside again and again by his peers. And so the Void took Khaifer, slipped inside of him until the scientist became the physical manifestation of this Ancient Being. The mages of yore, if they saw what happened, would have called Khaifer something akin to a god’s Avatar. Khaifer prefers to call the relationship a symbiosis, still retaining the discipline of the academia that cast him out.

Naturally passionate about his research, it benefitted Khaifer to have easier access to his research subject. After all, he had no choice but to be together every day. Freed from the bondage of academic scrutiny, the Science Mage continued his daytime routine without much of a fuss.

But there’s a catch. The Void doesn’t rescue people out of the kindness of its dark, potentially non-existent heart. At night, Khaifer becomes the Reaper. Cloaked in the Void, he searches for those who are indebted to Them, those who have taken too much of Their power, and takes their souls.

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