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Keisino is an english vtuber who streams mostly FPS Games and story based games. They are a 18+ Content Creator.

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So today I'm talking about this place world's no Shall I say realm, It's called Lucia.. it's not heaven or hell it's not Purgatory either it's… its own .well I don't really know how to put it into words but Lucia is home to your best Dreams or home to the worst nightmares. It is anything that you can think of from Sasquatch, Loch Ness Monster or even home to mythical creatures like dragons, fairies, Vampires, stuff you only see in books and movies. Everything is constantly shifting. There's no real way to enter this Realm. It's hard to get into the entrance. It is constantly moving. It's weird and as soon as you get in it feels like You’re constantly being watched or better yet taken care of; It's more of a maternal feeling sometimes depending on which part you enter the person who's watching you she's the Ruler, She watches this place, she knows as soon as you enter the realm. The ruler controls if you have the best dreams or the worst nightmares. she's kind of like Santa in a way, she knows everything from Mortals to Demons even to Angels( Celestial beings) she knows your worst fears and your best Daydreams she also knows the naughty side of your dreams, well let's talk about the ruler, her name is Keisino, She is the Offspring of a Concubus that was able to enter Lucia through hell by what’s seems like a chance. Her mother was the Late Queen .The beings of the realm are mythical creatures in their own way Luicians. Luicians don't really leave the realm often since there's not really a way they can leave. Sometimes the realm shifts with the human realm and because of this that's how the myths of the Loch Ness monster, Sasquatch, Vampires are born due to the random merging of the human & celestial realms. Sometimes he living visits the realm by mistake, no living being can freely enter the realm. It's only Mortals of the past that have entered by accident. So the ruler had to send them back to their own realm so they could live again. Kei has many forms, well not many just to her human form since she's actually able to enter the human realm freely. she's able to go come and go easily; Since she's The Offspring of the late ruler and a Concubus. Now this realm is very vast but I won't go into detail about it we're just here to learn the story of Kei she is a young woman in her twenties she recently became ruler when her mother passed when she was just 18 though thankfully for the realm they are in her mother does reside since Luicians really don't go to heaven or hell they stay in the dream Realm just constantly shifting watching observing everything. Luician's born in their realm have forever shifting forms, They take different forms of mythical beings. Of course they have one set form but they don't use it unless they are in the audience with the queen. Luica is a very peaceful realm since it’s always shifting.

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