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Juno Coton

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Every 4.19 Day(s)
  • Subs 2.5k
  • Views 288



Juno Coton is a dog Vtuber based on the popular dog, Coton De Tulear! Juno Coton's goal is to make a lot of new friends and have cozy streams~

Juno Coton loves to draw, read, and learn new languages! She is quite bad at games... But is willing to try anything new! She is currently learning Spanish and Russian!

Lore Edit

In 1939, the world saw the unfair separation of animal-human hybrids, triggering a brutal war in my motherland. My attempts to escape the bloodshed failed, leading me to an unexpected role as a tank-leading sergeant. Despite our efforts, my fellow soldiers and I were captured, enduring torturous labor, horrendous living conditions, and abuse before facing a firing squad.

Yet, the moment the bullets hit, I found myself in a new lifeβ€”a vibrant city devoid of violence, where my unique ears and tail set me apart. Embracing this fresh start, I discovered a passion for art and became a Virtual YouTuber. At the adoption center, I welcomed a beautiful "Coton De Tulear" into my life, named Leche for her pristine white fur, reminiscent of a dear friend from my past.

Now, in this harmonious existence, I aim to continue spreading happiness and joy. Each day unfolds as a beautiful choice to receive and share the beauty of life. As we all should!~

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