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Isla Coleman

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Every 1.69 Day(s)
  • Subs 54k
  • Views 2.5m



Isla Coleman (アイラ・コールマン) is a female English Virtual YouTuber and a member of the English Virtual YouTuber agency Production Kawaii. She joined kawaii as part of the 1st Generation, along with Reina Sun, Nene Amano, Hana Flores, and Charlotte Suzu.

Isla's first language is English, but she also understands basic Japanese.

On YouTube, she mostly streams various video games and does free talks.

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A princess from a country in another world who is here to study human society. Due to the fact that Isla is royalty, she is a bit of a ‘Tsundere’, and has trouble expressing herself. However, she is very kind and honest. She is currently obsessed with Earth’s entertainment and all sorts of activities. It seems she’s forgot about studying human society and is enjoying playing around. Whilst doing so, she decided to become a VTuber for fun.

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