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Greybow Falcona

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Every 1.17 Day(s)
  • Subs 675
  • Views 4.1k



Greybow is a Lunar Wolf Spirit Vtuber that streams on Twitch. Though his main content is Final Fantasy XIV, he does stream Retro games with a camera upon the console he's playing on at the time. He is known for his kind disposition as well as welcoming everyone to his stream, often inviting them with places to rest and snacks to eat! His streams can be chaotic at times with redeems, often encouraged by his daughters antics as well as his own unique laugh which sounds "like a puppy" if he laughs a bit too hard!

Lore Edit

Being born the eldest son of a pack of Black Lunar Wolves is normally a joyous occasion; however, he was born a runt as well as a grey. Harrassed and kept among the other greys only led to lonliness as the other greys didn't want to be harassed by either the Black or White Wolves until the day he was exiled to Earth after standing up to a Lunar White Wolf harassing a fellow grey. Found over time by various others, he learned what family, love, and happiness truly means as other communities taught him about accepting others' kindness and love as well as teaching him to love himself.

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