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Gomi Tan

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Every 2.88 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 2
  • Subs 1.5k
  • Views 28.9k



The dump is comfy, but kind of cursed?? Gomi is the resident trash-tuber. She is an English-language variety VStreamer, streaming retro and indie games along with international snack tastings. She has a soft spot for surreal, psychedelic, sensory abuse and nonsensical games. Gomi keeps it comfy and friendly, but does curse sometimes.

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Gomi is a discarded mannequin who lives at a dump at an undisclosed location. She is 12 feet tall. She is the microplastics in your blood (hello!). She is a friendly sleep paralysis demon. She is a glitchy void being. She has a burning toaster.

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