Feckless OwO appears to resemble a "male" with a Tofu looking head and a OwO face. He seems to know only English and is a VStreamer out on Twitch who streams five days a week and more if possible. JGT is Feckless OwO's robotic companion while he streams; she always waves hello to viewers and keeps a smile on her face at all times. Feckless plays a variety of different games and enjoys MMOS a lot! Feckless is a vibe all his own, will sometimes voice act if possible.
It started as a small piece of Tofu, getting ready to go into soup! But suddenly an alien spaceship sucked the tofu up!! The aliens found the tofu fascinating so they experimented with the tofu and merged it with all types of DNA and alien technology!! Aliens found a drawing of an OwO face and put it on the Tofu, they kicked him off their ship back to earth, with no real brain in his noggin all he seeks to make people happy. The robot girl sitting on his shoulder is from the aliens; OwO calls her JGT; they want to bring joy and positive vibes to everyone they encounter!