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Enrico Zenitani

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Every 1.85 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 7
  • Subs 45.4k
  • Views 1.1m



En is a male Vtuber who streams a variety of games on Twitch primarily in English. He also does Just Chatting streams that he calls ~Zenitalk~. He is very high energy and never shuts up. His personality type is a Type 4 INFJ, and his birthday is December 31.

Lore Edit

A former caporegime of the Zenitani family. Mostly got to where he was through nepotism, as he was reluctant to join his father and cousin who found him to be too haughty and uptight. He lived alone in his NYC apartment with his cat, Coffee, relatively apart from his family until ultimately deciding to run away and build his own crew. His hobbies are writing and spending time with his civilian friends.

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