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Emi Yozokui

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01/10/2021 (first model/original) 13/07/2022 (redebut)
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Emi was a non-binary English, Japanese and Spanish virtual YouTuber who created the Indie VTuber group, MysteriX.

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Emi is a half-wolf half-angel born in the Kawaii Kingdom to the wolf king and angel queen as the first princess of the Blooming Era. They were born on June 16, 1509. Them and their family lived there for 10 years until the death of the queen (their mother) in December of 1519. The king (their father) did not take the queen's death very well, so he forced the whole kingdom to mourn over their death. The king grew very strict of Emi and the whole kingdom. If anyone failed to obey him, they would be punished. Because nobody liked how the king treated his kingdom, the neighboring kingdom declared war on the Kawaii Kingdom. During the war, the king became very mean to Emi as he abused them with a belt. So, Emi made a plan to escape their kingdom and successfully made it to the human realm where they were adopted by a gamer who is also a music producer and a model.

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