Elin is a Vampire Neko VStreamer! She Is mainly a variety streamer that started with APB Reloaded and branched off to other games to help grow her community so she can make new friends and meet new people!
She speaks mainly English but speaks and can read some Japanese. However Kanji is difficult for her.
= She Loves =
= She Dislikes =
= Favorite Music Genres =
Being born from Vampire and Neko parents, makes Elin a Dhampir mixed Nekomimi she is a hybrid of both and cause of this she has vampire/cat fangs, vampire Wings, cat ears and a cat tail! This also means she can not turn anyone into a Vampire through biting, Instead would require an offspring. She also doesn’t burn In the sun like a normal Vampire, does not require blood (still enjoys it though) and garlic has a minor effect on her and since she was born and is alive crosses do nothing! Though there is minor beef with them apparently still... odd
She also has minor magical and alchemical abilities like her parents and can fly due to her wings! (though not very far)
She opened a cat-café and potions shop for her friends and other mages and travelers alike! This café mainly sells strawberry themed sweets, drinks, and also some lunch and breakfast items! She also sells basic potions on the side since she is an alchemist!
Hoping to spread positivity and meet new people she started streaming to find others to grow her community and make friends along the way!