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Every 1.84 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 2
  • Subs 5.4k
  • Views 28.4k



Eclairsu is a female ENVTuber and Streamer. She streams just chatting and a variety of games on Twitch. Her content can be categorized as comfy, warm, funny, high-energy, and dorky. Her birthday is on November 21st and a Scorpio. She loves to make her community feel welcome and have a good laugh.

Lore Edit

Eclairsu is a Celestial Mooncat Princess. She owns a cat café on the moon with her husband, Snowpaya and their maine coon cat, Waffles. Snowpaya and Eclairsu have 2 children together. After having them she awakened her celestial goddess form. Though she is cosmic royalty, she is still a lazy sleepy catgirl. So she continues to spend her days cheering up anyone who chooses to enter and spend time in her Floofy Catfé.

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