Kimi Vanderbrook is an English language Virtual Streamer that focuses mainly on gaming content, with a main focal point being on RTS and MMO's. Though he has a regularly scheduled Arma3 Zeus ops stream every Friday, though he enjoys bringing his love for Tabletop gaming and RPGS to the forefront of discussion regardless of the stream. Aiming at being composed and mature he aims to grow a friendly community that can help one another and come together to enjoy the time they spend as one. He does not target a younger audience but welcomes all one and the same, aiming to keep adult language and crude humour to a minimum.
A noble catboy born to a family that lived far from the cities, growing to love the countryside he chooses to spend his time at his family's estate out in the country, exploring, playing and enjoying his free time along with those who choose to come along. The halls of his estate are open to all that would wish to enter, many of those that have done so have come to find Kimi to be a calm and straight forward voice in an otherwise problematic world, in turn referring to him as "papa" due to his more fatherly or protective attitudes towards those whom support him.
Though he may be clad in a suit most of the time, this catboy can't help but let out his more feminine side once in a while and has been found cross-dressed at many a cultural event and is more than happy to help others in coming in touch with whatever side of themselves they feel wanting.