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B1akcat has welcomed herself into the world of streaming after her recent incident and now plays VR games and desktop games with her friends

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The year is 2184, Petty Officer Third Class- Callsign B1akcat, was a part of the USVDP (United States Virtual Defense Protocol) in what was liked to be called World War 3. Russia, America, Europe, and The Japan islands were all allied in this war, yet this wasn’t just a normal war. In 2089 a company called “SLFD” came along and reworked how war happened. It consisted of Virtual Reality fighting with full body haptics suits and in game generated warfare and terrain. These said haptic suits could let you feel touch, hits, and even simulate what it was like when you got shot.

The generated “avatar” that you were to choose for yourself gave you the ability to choose your attributes and strengths or whatever your heart desires. But more on that in the future. B1akcat entered the USVDP in 2173 and excelled through the ranks with her natural strive for completion. The life that we knew in that day Consisted around a virtual world that no death could even come about nor harm that we knew of. The VR that was being used was active play VR where you the person in the real world would have to move your avatar and arms and even run with the multidirectional treadmill.

Yet there was another option, a more dangerous one that offered amazing strong suits and even better abilities, but also came with long term problems, including fatal problems too. This option or poison as i call it was a headset that sterilized the nerve system in the back of the neck which the headset then used to take those said nervous system waves and then put them into the computing process of the headset then back to the brain, this was used so the real world you would not move but you would be moving with full body in this game. Now B1akcat chose this option even after being told off by multiple of her superiors, and she paid the price for it. During the battle of Dracostkey (a russian providence base in the virtual world) She was MIA for awhile but wasn't actually missing.

[9:13 AM]

A dishka gun was fire at her and hit her neck, right where the headset takes and puts back nervous properties, And the headset then took that and implemented a type of pain there leaving her nervous system to die almost instantly. However her conscience was sent back in time all the way to the year 2019 where she then started a streaming career and dove into modern and very early stages of VR. And that right there, seems to only be the beginning.

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