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Every 3.39 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 3
  • Subs 5.6k
  • Views 135.3k



AyaOwO is a Virtual streamer that makes content in English. She is an egg laying Neko Dragon that wants to make meaningful connections with le humans. She sometimes goes full gremlin/teakettle mode speaking in only squeaks.

Lore Edit

Aya is an immortal dragon that used to be afraid of humans due to the hero decree. After a few thousand years the hero stopped showing up and decided to branch out on her own. She met wonderful people, but realized very quickly that her appearance did not change with time leading her to move around frequently. Over time she became very lonely and continued to find ways to meet others. Eventually she discovered the internet and learned that they are others like her! She now streams and makes the connections she has always wanted.

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