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Mitsurugi Lia

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Every 3.25 Day(s)
  • Subs 135.8k
  • Views 334.1k



Mitsurugi Lia (ミツルギリア, 御剣莉亚, 御剑莉亚) is a female Japanese Virtual YouTuber and member of WACTOR. She debuted in late 2019 with Mirais, but is now part of WACTOR's 1st generation along with Tsukito Hana, Kogure Piyoko and Nanaha Rui.

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Lia started out similar to Miu, but with a spicy touch. Then, tired of the idol life, she decided to become the antithesis of an idol. She defines herself as a free spirit. She pushes you away, while wanting you to stay regardless. Her singing voice is exquisite. She works hard to pronounce Spanish lyrics correctly, and pulls it off superbly. She is a diehard perfectionist, and is sometimes too hard on herself. A real gem of talent who needs only to cast off her own self-doubt.

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