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Amanogawa Shiina

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Every 1.72 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 2
  • Subs 192.5k
  • Views 18.3m



Amanogawa Shiina (天ノ川 しいな) is a Female English Virtual YouTuber and a member of Phase-Connect's second Generation "PhaseALIAS," alongside Remilia Nephys, Chisaka Airi, Himemiya Rie, Makina Erina, and Komachi Panko.

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A seamstress created by the gods to sew the stars into the night sky and create beauty for all who come after. She grew bored and lonely after cons of sewing. Having an affinity for observing mortals and their creativity, she decided to █████ █████ and perhaps learn new ways of creating and █████ while finding company to fill her lonely heart with joy and inspiration.

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