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Aka Gnostic Is a variety streamer with a focus on community conversation, and will be hosting Aka's Alchemy which will be a late night talk show segment on my channel every week on Saturday from 6/12 . Aka Gnostic is extremely social, and will chat for hours on end. Warning Aka Gnostic can sometimes be super overwhelming when talking about a subject they are passionate about this can lead to a bit of over stimulation for some!

"Aka's Alchemy is part of my 6 hour timeslot from 6pmEST-12amEST not the entire stream will be dedicated to the interviews, but this allows me to schedule a nice window for people in different time zones remainder. I want to Interact with the Vtuber/Streamer community, and use my platform as a promotion tool for others like myself who are up incoming. My Passions include Education, RPGs, MMORPGs, Lore, Philosophy, ADHD Awareness, and People!

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Hello I'm Aka Gnostic, and welcome to Aka's Alchemy. I'm your run of the mill Alchemist with an attention issue who made a slight mistake when testing out the stimulant effects of a Yinglets D.N.A in an potion of mine as self treatment for my condition. It was a Success By day I'm able to function as a productive member of society, but by night I now transform into a Yinglet/Scav Honestly it's a decent tradeoff could be worse at least I have my proper mental facilities even in this cursed state.

Oh your not from around here let me explain Yinglets are little rat like humanoid they are broken up into two species "Greater - tool using, more social, and higher intelligence", and Lesser Yinglets more feral impulsive. Most races refer to them as "Scavs" since they scavenge a lot. Personally I found them to be more adaptive, and practically the embodiment of "Fight/Flight/Ingenuity" So when I Transformed I Refer to myself a a Scav since I was not naturally a "Yinglet" Also I kind of like the term as a sense of pride

This is why I used their essence as a treatment for my condition since in both our base natures we act the same, and well it was a success kind of I can live with this side effect for the most part, and my Husband accepts me regardless

I'm an Alchemist you have to learn to enjoy transmutation sometimes nothing ventured nothing gained...even if it includes a tail usually I'm more for providing that service for others, and not for myself oh well.

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