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Admiral Acronza

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A Hybrid Battlecarrier based on the USS Midway ww2 carrier here to promote history and museum ships

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Darkness. That's all I knew in my world, a empty void of nothingness, I could feel the world around me yet the world knew nothing of my existence, i watched as the world turned in my minds eye for I had nothing to see in my empty void, I knew I had a reason but my time was not yet to be, I floated in a space of existing and nothingness at the same time, a vast ocean of ideas lost to the depths or awaiting their turn to rise to the surface.

Suddenly my void shifted, while I floated among planets of powerful beings and dragons I was called to the surface, I slowly rose in the vast ocean of ideas, voices spoke in the void as I felt myself split into two then merge again into one body; something cold and emotionless attached itself to my mind and body, it felt heavy and yet apart of me and weightless at the same time.

Where am I? I thought to the voices of the void, and the void thought back to me. You are being summoned to earth, a planet rich in ideas, culture, and history. What am i? I opened my eyes for the first time slowly and saw the surface above me, warm waters had replaced my void yet I was not damp from the water around me. You are a warship, a Battle Carrier, the hull of the Midway class carrier and the guns of the Tillman class battleship, a ship of the past and future, a ship that exists and does not exist at the same time I looked to my right and viewed for the first time the rigging of my new form, massive battleship guns posed to the ready, on my left an empty flight deck and another gun ready for action. Who am i? I could see the surface nearing ever closer, my time in the void had come to an end. You shall be known as Admiral Acronza and Admiral Acrozona, a warship of the US navy. And what is my purpose? To teach and guide this world of its history, for they have forgotten their past among their wars and rumors of wars, to promote and protect the lives that have been lost.

In a flash of blinding light and seafoam my connection to the void was lost and I was left on my own in an unknown world, I knew my reason of existing and had a purpose, it was now my turn to take the helm and sail on to a brighter future; the ocean beckoned me to reveal its secrets, the souls of those who had been lost told their stories to me, the ships of the past shared their emotions and tales to tell, it was time to be their interpreter. I set off on my new voyage, one that would span the ages and reach lands unknown.

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