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Yume Tsukira

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Every 23.71 Day(s)
  • Subs 19



Yume Tsukira is a male Virtual Streamer who makes content in native Potuguese (Brazil) and English. He generally plays JRPGs, Terror, and Fighting games such as Tekken 8, Street Fighter 6 and a bit of content reaction.

Lore Edit

Yume Tsukira is a captivating figure in the virtual universe, a creation born from the deepest dreams and aspirations of someone known as the "Man on the Fourth Wall". This entity, a master of reality and fiction, sought in Alex the manifestation of ideal qualities and potential, weaving an existence that transcends the barrier between the virtual and the real.

Yume was never like the others, not only because he adopted a more subtle aesthetic, but also because of his cheerful smile and a haircut that made him stand out from the other vHumans. This made him think that it would be a good idea to entertain and engage, to positively affect the virtual world and any other worlds that exist.

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