Violet NoiaMaca is a babiniku VTuber who streams a variety of content, but she's more focused on retro video games. She almost always streams in English, and she uses a TTS voice when she can't use her mic. She is very kind and nice, and likes chatting with the chat while playing video games as a background. Any pronoun is fine on her since she has a male voice, she has a female aspect and in her lore she's an hermaphrodite human being from another Universe.
Violet is a passionate researcher of Psychology and Neuroscience in another Universe, which it's very different from yours. In that Universe everything is different. physical laws are different, biological laws are different and so on. Therefore, human beings are different. They are hermaphrodite persons with the appearance of cute girls (some have a feminine voice, and others not and this includes Violet's voice). What makes this Universe alive are the emotions of its living beings. Every time anyone feels joy, sadness, surprise or other kind of emotions for something, those emotions are spread in a form of emotional energy to all the cosmos. This emotional energy is what keeps this Universe in motion.
However, one day on the edge of that Universe a mysterious creature appears. This creature has the power to feed from this emotional energy. And the reduction of the emotional energy produces in that Universe a slower and slower movement of the cosmos, planets, stars... and when they are not anymore in movement, they disappear forever, making the destruction of the cosmos step by step. This energy slowdown also alters the mental health of its living beings.
Violet, whose one of her researches is the study of emotional energy, discovers this threat for the survival of her Universe. Then, she looks for a way to defeat that creature and reach the conclusion that it can be defeated by oversaturating it with extreme happiness energy (on her investigations, she found that happiness was the most powerful emotional energy, which in extreme level concentrations can be very unstable, becoming inedible for that creature and altering anything it touches).
Because in Violet's Universe it's highly difficult to get this energy at extreme concentrations in a short period of time, with the help of other friends, they create the InterUniverse WormHole. With this, Violet can contact to people with your Universe and receive their happiness energy, which is extremely more powerful than the happiness energy that can be found in her Universe. How Violet can make happy the people from your Universe? By playing retro video games. This is lived for the people from your Universe as nostalgic, producing high levels of happiness. This way, Violet is making happy people from your Universe, and these people are helping Violet to save her Universe from the devastation.