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Non-binary, cozy gremlin variety streamer; Astral focuses on a lot of cozy-fied survival games (Slime Rancher, Valheim, Planet Crafter) and RPGs/Platformers (Bloodstained: ROTN randomizer seeds, homebrew TTRPGs) - usually set to excellent DJ tunes. Astral's place is a safe place to be you (whatever your sexuality/gender/neuro status/mental health/etc) and to come chill and make new friends.

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A young (~1,000 year) cat-dragon; Astral is the current Master of a multi-focus workshop that sits atop the tribal mountain - wearing numerous 'hats' (smith, apothecary, artificer, enchanter, etc) as [insert pronouns of choice here] continue to ensure customer orders get completed promptly AND to spec - all while integrating more non-native members into both the tribe and the workshop itself.

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