The Night-Side Jynx is a VTuber who makes videos and streams on youtube, Their pronouns are She/Her/They/Them, She speaks in english, and tends to post a variety of content, mostly gaming videos but she also has done covers and original songs, as well as storytelling/audio drama content.
She did a lore debut stream and has the vod up on her channel
Of note, in her lore vampires aren't occult but rather the evolved nocturnal predator human variant stylizing
A Vampire Bounty Hunter for a futuristic prohibition style 1920s Mob/Mafia vampire crime family known as The Nyx Family, who was a human before being caught in the crossfire of a drive by aimed at the Godfather of The Nyx Family, not wanting a good person to die at his fault he performed an emergency live blood transfusion, which saved her life but changed her into a cursed half-breed vampire in the process which seems to give her an unnatural hunger and rage compared to other vampires, which is kept in check by constant hunting of and feeding from the targets she is sent after by the Godfather of The Nyx Family
After killing 1,000 of her bosses targets he claimed that she had proven herself worthy but wished to put her on a new path now, to which she agreed. The Godfather of The Nyx Family (Which she simply refers to as "The Boss") proposed she make some "Enemies of The Mind" by making content for youtube and being unabashedly herself!
(All lore taken from what we know from the two lore songs she has published on her Youtube channel)