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Every 1.77 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 2
  • Subs 1.9k
  • Views 41.8k



Sylkie is a lil klutz seal from the northern seas currently living on land in Sweden. As a baby seal she visited the human world and fell in love with videogames and delicious drinks like milkshakes and smoothies, so as an adult of course she owns a smoothie café and stream her video game adventures!

She loves to laugh and have fun with chat, play a variety of games and is multi talented with a bewitching singing voice, a nose bleed inducing ara ara and cute art.

Welcome inside the café!

Lore Edit
  • Ever heard of Selkies?

In Celtic and Nordic folklore Selkies are seals that can shed their seal skin and walk on land hidden among humans... -

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