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  • Subs 852
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Snake Halibaster is a gothic eldritch leviathan VTuber. He is a variety streamer who plays whatever he feels like.

Snake likes to be a silly goofster sometimes, cracking jokes and making his viewers laugh. He also draws and makes music sometimes, but his content is mostly him playing video games.

Lore Edit

As a baby, born to royalty, Snake was pawned of to Lucifer to deal with, while Balor of the Evil Eye and his gang of powerful Fomorians took over the castle. Growing up, Snake didn't know he was royalty, or a eldritch entity. He was told that he was an aquatic demon. During this time, he made a pact with "The Broadcaster", who helps spread his influence throughout the world.

Years later, Snake was called into Lucifer's office and most of his past was revealed to him. Snake was banished from Hell and floated amongst the nothingness in The Plane Between Dimensions. It was here where he came across his eldritch raven companion, Cxiora. Eventually, Snake received a tome, where the rest of his past was revealed, that he was the lost eldritch leviathan prince.

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