Shylily (also known as Lily) is a female independent VTuber based in the Netherlands. She has been on Twitch since 29 August 2015. She made her own model before her new 2D re-debut on 10 January 2022.
A mere innocent child, playing in the winter forest on top of a freshly frozen river. When suddenly, the still thin ice gave in and left the little one to be devoured by the dark, freezing cold of the watery abyss.
While sinking into the deep depths and slowly losing herself, she vaguely spotted a faint glow in the distance. As she continued to slip in and out of consciousness, the light seemed to come and closer. Brighter and brighter.
The strange glow seems to originate from... her? The deep dark depths did not seem that... dark? After all? She felt weirdly comfortable just... floating there...
There she was, now being one with the icy waters. Destined to be a guiding light to those who lose their way in the dark.