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4th July 2020
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Every 0.78 Day(s)
  • Subs 551
  • Views 30.7k



Shryhew is an Agobgamation Vtuber from Australia.

An "Agobgamation" is the amalgamation of a goblin and two other creature aspects. Shryhew's aspects are that of a goblin shark and saltwater crocodile.

They are a variety content creator, but mainly focus on gaming content currently.

They have a disability being Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Their community is named Goblin Kissers.

They have a 3D model and a 2D png. Hopeful soon to have a live2D.

They occasionally do no microphone streams.

They sometimes make art, usually of goblins and sometimes NSFW.

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A goblin soon to arise as an Agobgamation!

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This VTuber has indicated that their content is intended for mature audiences.
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