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Sakura Himegimi

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Every 5.24 Day(s)
  • Subs 11.4k
  • Views 193k



Sakura is a Demon Cat CN/ENVTuber who is currently studying Japanese (knows how to speak a little). She speaks fluent English and Mandarin (however cannot write). Sakura does covers on her YT (Sakura Himegimi Ch.) while working with her limited MacBook laptop. She does Duolingo (Jpn) Study Streams and minigame/chatting streams on Twitch. She is part of the part-time Empress Idol duet group called "YukaSaku" and Part of the Higanbana Familia and the Yukazuka (Vtube Family).

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Woke up one day all a sudden with broken pieces of memories. All I know is that I am a demon cat in human disguise. Decided that since I can't remember anything why not make new memories instead and learn more about everything!! Hopefully, this "curiosity doesn't kill me nya~".

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