retrospective (otherwise known as juzzou) is an English VTuber/VStreamer that speaks English, Japanese, and Korean. He streams any game that the chat would like to see. Also at the end of his streams he'll ask the chat what anime the chat will like to see and or give them options or check out new anime that just came out and watch the whole season on stream. He mostly streams on weekends, sometimes on weekdays.
juzzou was an ordinary human at first but when his sick brother give him a black flower with a dark aura, he ate the flower leading juzzou to feel dizzy and light headed. He ended up in a void, but not just any void it was multiple voids. They all looked different, and as he explored the void he found out that bad people were looking for the flower. Once he got out of the void he found his dead brother and let out a scream that released the dark aura and nearly destroyed the hospital. Ever since then he has ran away deep in the mountains in Japan where no bad person can find him and obtain power. As juzzou started to feeling lonely he turned to streaming to find more friends that are weird just like him and to meet new people.