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Queenie Caeli

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Queenie Caeli is a harpy system VStreamer who primarily streams video game related content with a preference towards rhythm games and CO-OP PvE experiences. She also does art streams and uses her voice acting skills regularly to make silly voices. Queenie suffers from DID and several of her alters take over from time to time to stream.

Her content is geared towards mature audiences due to common discussion of topics such as mental health and sexuality.

Lore Edit

Although far from fictional, each alter within the system have extensive backgrounds and memories of full lived lives.

Queenie, the white feathered harpy, has a chaotic and playful personality. She prefers to break games, reference memes, and laugh at anything and everything. Queenie has a tendency to use her voice acting experience to change her voice at random to make jokes, tell stories, or poke fun at something. Queenie prefers games which demand mastery or are seen as 'sadistic' so she can keep herself occupied and look cool. Queenie awoke in 2022 and serves as the body's host.

Alice, the thickly accented lopped rabbit, has a flirty and motherly personality. She enjoys cooperative shooters, rhythm games, and flirting with her friends. Alice is known for having a particularly sultry voice and has a tendency to use it to fluster others. She is also known for being more serious than the other alters and often refuses to go along with their antics. Alice also has a potent 'switch' which is usually triggered by intense emotions such as stress. When flipped, she often becomes extremely sadistic and prideful with habitual showmanship. Alice awoke in 2016 and was born to protect the body from physical danger.

Faith, the soft spoken mouse, has a chaotic and playful personality similar to Queenie. She enjoys playing games which make her have to think deeply and telling stories of her life. Though a little outdated, Faith also thoroughly enjoys sharing the jokes and memes of her time. It is noteworthy that Faith also possesses a 'switch' which will see the awakening of an extreme bloodlust that changes her demeanor from a quiet and playful one to a giggly and bloodthirsty one. Faith awoke in 2016 and went dormant in 2018, returning in 2024.

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