Panda is a female Vtuber/VStreamer From Germany, She is a super clumsy Witch, who streams in English. She is easily scared by her own redeems or any game with jumps scares. She still plays Horror Games in Genral Panda streams a variety of games
Her birthday is October 01
Her height is 177 cm (5'8")
Her zodiac sign is Libra
Main Games : Genshin Impact &
Games games played from time to time : Disney Dreamlight valley, Borderlands, Rimworld, Sims4,Sons of the Forest and a lot of other games/indie games
I'm Panda, a Witchy Vtuber with a nack for potatos. I might have had an accident while summoning a small helping Deamon what ended with me resembling a Deamon myself. I need time to restore my Mana, so lets see whats is outside my library