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otato is mostly a laid back Virtual YouTuber who is prone to bouts of excitability. otato is prone to speaking without thinking, often uttering things that end up sounding suspect even with context, a trait which is sometimes played into purposefully to "filter" the chat. otato's personality is relaxed, however, otato is apt to get heated about certain topics or games, but usually does so in the spirit of using the opportunity for jokes. Chat often revels in otato's suffering when faced with particular challenges of puzzles that leave the v-tuber befuddled. otato is a fan of horror games and RPGs, but also tries to keep the content on the channel varied; the spirit of this variety is encapsulated with their segment "the otato sack" which aims to find many short and strange (and often bad games) online and play them back to back for as long as possible. otato enjoys many kinds of music, but is particularly fond of rock and appreciates anything featuring guitar. otato's birthday is July 26th.

Lore Edit

otato is a strange being who exists within the internet. Influenced by certaub corners of the net, otato became a v-tuber saying "they said I could be anything so I became an anime." Now otato streams semi-regularly speaking to the legion of voices in their head known as "chat."

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