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Nito Kuraragi

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Every 2.31 Day(s)
  • Watchlists 1
  • Subs 2.4k
  • Views 35k



Nito Kuraragi is an English Vtuber who makes videos on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. He also streams weekly over at Twitch.

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During the day, Nito pretends to be a music composer to blend with society. At night, he hunts down members of the underground Neo Kosmo Syndicate. The Neo Kosmo Syndicate is trying to change how humans fundamentally work by researching the paranormal and the supernatural. Their goal, “Create the superior man, through the blend of the holy, the un-holy, and the accursed man”. Going against all natural laws and orders. They must be stopped, lest all of humanity falls into chaos. The burden falls onto Nito Kuraragi, the last surviving member of the Nine Shadows Alliance (九影同盟).

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