Mari or Zuzu is a Puerto Rican, Genderfluid VTuber. She has been around the internet for years and started streaming on and off around 2020. Finally streaming more frequently around 2022 after her 2d model re-debut. She is known for her artwork and chill gaming streams. As well as her welcoming and sweet personality. Her birthday is May 6. Her Zodiac is Taurus. She mostly loves to play games with friends and can be seen talking to chat and inviting friends to play with her. She always tries her best, despite her internet connection kicking her butt from time to time.
A space cow deity who lived in the stars. Her job was to grant wishes from falling stars. Clouded by pure and kind wishes she forgot that in this world malicious and unkind wishes can also exist. A particular string and bad wish caught her off guard. Overpowering her and making her fall from the sky onto the earth. Loosing one of her horns in the process.
Now with only 10% or 5% of her powers, she tries her best to continue her reason for living. To make people smile and laugh. That is the reason she granted wishes in the first place. She is working hard to one day be able to restore her powers and continue granting wishes.